
Case Study

MND Association Run their best ever Facebook Challenge with Social Sync & Social Mind!

After a successful year of scaling up their Facebook Challenge portfolio, MND Association have their best ever Facebook Challenge, raising over £770k from their Run 60 Miles in August 2023 campaign!

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9.5 Rating
Years Of

Smashing the Goals

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New supporters
raised! £600k over target!
£ 0 k
higher activation rate using Messenger
6500 %
miles logged in our branded activity tracker

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The results:

More than just numbers

The repeat of Run 60 Miles in August in 2023 was hugely successful in terms of income and engagement, with thousands of new supporters recruited and a fantastic return on investment.  But it’s more than just numbers…

Happy supporters - The overall experience was extremely positive, with amazing group engagement and an average satisfaction score of 4.8 out of 5
Scaled up without increasing capacity - Social Mind were able to help deliver a huge increase in income while protecting the in-house capacity of the fundraising team
Bucking the trend - Following on from the huge success of this campaign, with an ROI rarely seen since 2020, Run 60 Miles in August has helped to prove that the Facebook Challenge model still delivers excellent results

Why was this campaign so successful?

The winning strategy

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Build upon and Scale up existing campaigns

  • Building on the success of Run 60 Miles in August 2022, we wanted to scale the campaign up to reach new supporters while also re-engaging past participants.

  • The original group for the challenge was re-used to encourage previous supporters to take part.

  • The brand for the campaign was refreshed but kept in keeping with original designs to ensure consistency and recognition

Create an excellent multi-channel supporter experience

  • Automated emails were sent immediately in real-time to everyone who completed a leads form.
  • Every supporter received behavioural emails based on where they were in their fundraising journey, powered by Social Sync.
  • A really engaged Facebook group was supported by a cutting edge Facebook Messenger experience to help them share their stories far and wide.

Provide supporter tools to help them hit their targets

  • A great Social Sync feature allows supporters to connect their fundraising to Instagram to extend their reach to new potential donors.

  • The unique Social Sync activity tracker helped to keep supporters engaged throughout the month.
  • Compelling impact content from the MND Association was shared through the Facebook Group and Messenger to give supporters the tools they needed to drive donations.
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